Friday, March 12, 2010

Top Ten Rules for any Road Trip

In light of the overwhelmingly positive response to the travel log so far, I thought I would share a few tips we learned on the road before publishing the final two entries. As you probably have figured out by now, our trip ended on Wednesday night. Along the way, we saw some cool stuff, heard some cool stories, and learned some cool tips. Here are the top ten rules to remember for your journey:

10. Pictures are the cheapest souvenirs.

Sure, a tacky shirt that says "I got Bourbon faced on Shit Street," will be good for a laugh, but how many times can you actually wear it? Save your money for something else. Take a ton of pictures, they will be the most memorable souvenir you can buy.

9. Take care of your greatest asset: your car.

If you plan on traveling thousands of miles in a dilapidated coupe, it may be time for a little preventative maintenance. Get your oil changed, get a car wash, and get your tires rotated. A little extra effort will do wonders in the long-run.

8. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Remember, not everyone on the road is trying to help you get to the next place. Some people get wide-eyed when they see a tourist wandering around the streets, and if you're not careful, you might get caught in a scam. Do you really think someone can tell you where you got your shoes? Do you really think there are many gentleman's clubs with no cover? Not likely.

7. Keep your wallet in your front pocket, and keep all valuables secure and within reach.

You won't get very far on your journey without money, and unless you keep it secure, you're asking for trouble. Scammers see tourists as easy target, so keep walking if you hear a lame proposal for money (i.e. I need $10 for a deposit on a gas can). Scammers typically use very detailed stories and will make promises to pay back more than they borrow. Don't be fooled.

6. Carry enough cash with you, especially if you're headed to an unfamiliar location.

If you're headed in to a major city, you probably won't need tons of cash; but when you head further in to the outskirts, remember that an ATM could be miles away. The only thing worse than being stranded is being stranded and broke. Keep in mind though, if you do carry cash, keep it secure.

5. When in doubt, ask a local.

In our case, 90% of the locals we talked to were more than happy to share their opinion on the best things to see or the best places to eat. Most people are happy to help out a naive tourist, but you won't get far unless any request you make is accompanied by a "please" and "thank you."

4. Sometimes, the quickest way isn't always the best.

Or, as some might say, it's the journey, not the destination. You don't have to stick to every interstate. A departure from the norm, even if slower, can offer scenic views and is a welcome change from the familiarity of the main road.

3. Manage your time wisely.

This not to say you need to plan the trip down to every minute; however, a little bit of planning will keep you from being tied down to the same place all day. There is lots to see in this world, so if you spend all your day on one street, you're going to miss out on a lot of really cool stuff.

2. Never, ever be afraid to try new things.

After all, that's the point of the road trip, isn't it? If you've never tried an oyster before, and you end up in the oyster capital of the world, it may be time to break the hiatus. People are often surprised to find they like something they never expected to like. It's out there, so go out and try it.

1. When in [blank], do as the [blanks] do.

I've said this time and time again, but I guarantee it will help you on the road. Remember, you are in their territory, not the other way around. Save your hometown customs for your hometown. When you go somewhere else, you will stand out like a sore thumb unless you consider your surroundings, and the last thing you want to do is offend anyone with a social faux pas (this is especially relevant abroad). Though, this is not to say you can't share a little bit of your hometown flavor with the world, just be smart about it; after all, you are the guest.

Keep these things in mind, and you just might survive your own trip,


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